Internet Explorer 9 Randomness

Mar 31, 2011 15:07

So a long time ago when I still used kazaa and limewire, Internet Explorer used to be my primary browser; then, one day, after reaching my fill with my computer freezing, I turned to my friend and noticed he was using something called Mozilla and I never came back. (Sure, he told me he had extra affection for Firefox because his last name was, in fact, 'Fox' but that didn't harm the fact that Mozilla was a great browser.) At some point, Firefox became my main browser and I even managed to get my parents to convert.

Then came Chrome, which I've been mostly content with except for missing how delicious works on Firefox; but I've found Chrome to be faster and intuitive for me in a way most browsers haven't been.

Always curious, two weeks ago I read a post on IE9 and I had to try it out. So far I've used it all morning and besides a few initial issues with gmail and tumblr, everything has been okay. I do wish the tabs didn't have so many sharp edges, and went for that curved look google employs.

I've tried out gmail, AO3, dreamwidth, tumblr, goodreads, hulu, and of course, livejournal and everything was fine. My layout looks good on IE9 and is functional. If I had to use this browser, I wouldn't complain. With some tweaking, I could get into it; except for now it doesn't replace chrome for my main usage.
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