you can be more

Oct 29, 2009 22:26

Watching Supernatural tonight. I don't know how it happened but I've been keeping up with Supernatural lately, it's so funny.


*I'm really liking Bobby with Sam and Dean. The conversation between him and Dean was so sweet, and I liked how Dean emphasized Bobby's continued worth. Bobby is no less badadss because he's in the wheelchair.

*How hot was that dude-witch/demon whatever. Ok, I'm not up to date with the supernatural terminology but I like how the couple wasn't completely evil and I'm always down for an accent and those shots with his shirt open with the chest hair peeking--CAN I HAVE MORE?!! Seriously, the accent was delicious and the scene with Sam and him playing was completely yummy. I would not say no to some fic with him popping up again, I'm just saying, Sam totally could have stumbled across him when he went to get his booster shot.

*I kept on waiting for the guy to reveal himself as Satan during the card game.

*Dean as an old man was hilarious. Are you done emoting?

*Sam was a total card shark--y/y?

*TV episode next! I am so excited. Caruso impression FTW!

supernatural, these are my shows

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