No, I'm not giddy, why do you ask?

Jun 30, 2003 13:34

Which Bl ake's 7 rebel are you?

this quiz was made by Auntie Krizu(:>)

I find this answer amusing purely because of an old, old joke on Outpost Gallifrey about my mad gunrunning/marksmanship skillz. Wer e Harg around, he'd be laughing his arse off at me. As would Dok. And Mary. Damn I miss talking with those guys. *sniff sniff* Must get on MSN more often and see if I can't at least track down Mary.

So on the third floor of Old Main, in th e student work lounge area, there is a Mac computer. I happen to be using it for my professor's project. And every time I try to scroll down too far in Word--meaning there's nowhere left to scroll to--the computer makes a protesting noise that sounds *exactly* like a tribble. Or maybe just some type of machinery on Star Trek: TOS. In any case, it's vastly amusing.

Or maybe I'm just too easily amused.

Of course, it's also fun to have the entirety of this part of the third floor to myself. Singing as loudly as I damned well please, and next up I might do cartwheels down the hall outside. Just because I can, really. That, and because typing up excerpts from Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is a bit boring and mind-numbing. Though he must feel vindicated since we're still studying his ideas about economics in this century. I keep having flashbacks to the econ class I just finished.

dw, school, technology bites, surreality, edmund burke is a git

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