So, being gone all weekend to various places, I came home at 10:30 Sunday night to discover it was below 60 Fahrenheit in my house.
I think I need to spend more weekends here. Or just move and be done with it. Blah.
I have also spent the majority of this week feeling physically like crap. I can't even define it, just--crap. I haven't bothered going to the doctor's office, though, so I probably have no right to complain. I just sit and look doleful, and my co-workers tell me to go home. They're probably right. (I have no choice tomorrow, it's a move-move-move day, so if going to bed at 9:30 tonight and getting up at 7 tomorrow morning doesn't do it, I'm screwed.)
On a happier note,
I am really surprised, but Castle is still making me happy this season. I don't usually trust it when main characters give into the UST and start going all het on a person, but I'm enjoying watching Castle & Beckett navigate the happy hormones on one hand and the professional distance needing to be kept during working hours on the other hand.
Also, Ryan ad Espo are on speaking terms again, which is obviously the more important issue.
All that said, Monday's episode? In which Castle proved once again that he's the BEST DAD EVAH? Yeah, I was bawling with them. Why couldn't *my* dad have been that awesome when he dropped me off the first time to college?