(no subject)

Aug 01, 2011 07:35

OMG if Parker2000 is anything to go by, Parker and Hardison are NEVER ALLOWED TO HAVE CHILDREN. EVER. Not that they would, but still. The kid would never know what its name was.

Also, I had an intense desire for Elliot/Hardison/Parker comfort fic in the name of Elliot Got the Shit Beat Out of Him (Again), which was odd for me, y'know? Maybe I'll even go seek it out. Then again, probably not.

I bought half a dozen books the other weekend. Real, physical books, not on my Kindle, and I don't really buy books anymore. But five of them were used mysteries, and two of those were Dorothy L. Sayers that I've been waiting to find (or to show up on Kindle), and two of them were Charlotte MacLeods for my mom because she lost all her MacLeod paperbacks, so it's all totally justifiable even if I still haven't bought another bookcase like I should have years ago.

Also, the article I co-wrote was FINALLY published this past month, and I now have the extra two copies of the journal issue so I can send one to my parents, and I really need to figure out something else I can write next that isn't a straight historical topic requiring a ton of research on my part OMG I'm an archivist, not an academic historian.

professional, booooks, capitalist swine, mysteries, eddies in the timestream, leverage

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