There's a moral in here somewhere.

Feb 06, 2011 18:27

I went shopping today expressly and specifically for a dressy red top. It didn't have to be red necessarily, it could have been blue or purple or some other color, but I wanted a dressy solid-colored top to go with a patterned skirt I have, for which I only have one blouse really that I cold wear with it, and that's far too summery to wear in weather like this. Besides, I don't have many dressy red tops, and I look good in red. All very simple, right?

Two hours later, by the time I finally went home after visiting three stores, I had spent over $100 on new underwear, pajama bottoms, a new set of sheets, a t-shirt, and a nice cream-colored top that is also not very appropriate for this type of weather. And I discovered when I got home and took the sheets out of their packaging--y'know, completely out of their packaging, never going to fit back into that little plastic thingy again--that I had absent-mindedly bought the wrong size sheets. I could try to force them back into the packaging and take them back, but that just sounds like too much effort. They'll fit my bed, they'll just be too big. Fine. Whatever.

At least I baked zucchini bread today as well and it tastes awesome. So there, me.

On a much more cheering topic, I wanted to rec a couple vids I've been watching not at all obsessively of late. advance by fly_to_dawn, a multi-fandom vid for halfamoon, and it sort of makes me want to punch the air with how awesome these women are. And from Festivids, there's all the way by greensilver, which is basically the most gleeful thing I've seen about Invisible Man and about Bobby'n'Darien in a while. You all probably already know about them, but just in case, I feel a need to spread the fannish love.

dorkface, iman, fandom, tuesday's child, foooood, capitalist swine, recs

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