Dear Yuletide author,

Nov 14, 2010 20:04

Hi. *waves* Just to make it clear beforehand: you're awesome, just for writing a fic for me. Okay? Now that we've got the hard part out of the way,

we can talk about the easier stuff. Generally, I'm a big fan of dialogue, humor, mood, setting--really, anything other than plot (this might have something to do with my own total inability to write plot), but if you add plot to all that? It's a fabulous icing on the cake. Mostly, I love characters. I especially love the characters in the fandoms I mentioned specifically, and I hope you do too.

Take Kate Beckett in Castle, for example. It took me pretty much the first season to warm up to her, but now I watch the show as much for her as for Rick Castle. She is one awesome, competent, put-together, hilarious woman who knows her shit, and I kinda dig that. And as for Ryan and Esposito? Best married-couple background detective duo since I don't even know when. (Okay, I don't necessarily slash them, it kinda depends on my mood, and you can run with that or not.) But you've got to admit, they are pretty fun and awesome together, and I would go for a story focusing on them with Beckett & Castle as the background players for a change, or a story focusing on the trio before Castle showed up in their lives, or a story just focusing on Beckett herself.

It took me a little to warm up to Myka Bering & Pete Lattimer on Warehouse 13 too, partly because of the way the tension in their partnership was pushed so hard in the early eps. But once TPTB got over that and just let them be good partners and friends, amidst the rest of the group, the show became a lot more fun to me. And I'd love something focusing on the whole group, but my secret wish? Is really angry, grief-filled sex between Myka and H.G. Wells. Because holy crap those two women had some serious chemistry going on.

There was no question of warming up to Hannibal Sefton from the Benjamin January novels by Barbara Hambly. Like pretty much every woman who meets Hannibal, I instantly fell in love with him and maybe wanted to take care of that consumptive, erudite Irishman with a mysterious past. I would love any glimpse of him you could give me, before or after he met Ben, before or after he came to New Orleans, probably with his fiddle and his other drugs of choice. (Oh, and I've read every book out but Dead Water, which I'm planning to start shortly, so you shouldn't have to worry about any spoilers.)

I think I request something involving David Todros or Sethos every year at Yuletide, from the Amelia Peabody Emerson mysteries by Elizabeth Peters. David's intrigued me for a long time, with his varied background and occasional political proclivities, and I would not say no to something that showed a little bit about how and why he ticks (and if that something involves Ramses and maybe also Nefret, then extra yay). And Sethos--I'd love something involving him and Sir Edward Washington, or him and his brother(s), or nephew Ramses. (Again, I've read every book in the series, so no worries about spoilers. Some of them more than once. You know how it is.)

Again, dear yuletide author, thank you for signing up this year, thank you for agreeing to write something in at least one of these fandoms, and thank you for the random chance of writing something for me. I really do hope you enjoy it, as I know I will enjoy whatever you write.


fandom, booooks, yuletide, mysteries

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