Mostly, it's politics, in an almost apolitical way.

Oct 29, 2010 07:21

Dear Republican Party,

DO NOT CALL MY CELL PHONE. Call my landline, like the Democrat Party does, which is the local number anyway, you twits.

No love,


Recommendations, my friends! What program do you use for CD/DVD burning? I'd like to get software that doesn't cost me a substantial chunk of my paycheck to do a bunch of things I either use other programs for or don't care about at all, and I am stumped. I just want to burn DVDs, people. Why does this have to be so hard?


I'm almost done voting! \o/ I really do prefer doing mail-in ballots; I can sit at my computer and research the candidates I don't know with the ballot right in front of me. I would have been so screwed when it came to all the judges otherwise. Also, I'm voting in a mid-term election. When the hell did I become such a responsible cit?

technology bites, eddies in the timestream, edmund burke is a git

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