One of these is not like the other. (That's not true, by the way.)

Mar 12, 2010 21:08

I have been meaning and meaning to post for days and could never think of anything to say by the time I got around to it. So now I shall attempt to remember everything in small bits.

* I CAN EAT STRAWBERRIES. I've been meaning to mention this for aaaaages now, particularly to troyswann so she knows she can serve strawberries in my presence without my spontaneously dying from proximity or something. (That never happened. Believe me.) Only one or two in any given day--that's as far as I'm willing to go anyway--but I just had a strawberry tonight with my dinner and, well, Kaylee and I would have lots to chat about if we ever met.

* I've been having really wacky and vivid dreams all week this week. This is really unusual for me; I don't dream much, or I don't remember many dreams, and not all clustered at once like this. The not-Vegas dream a couple mornings ago was probably the one I remember the best (this morning's involved my very own knock-off Leverage team getting taken out, all very dramatically, and apparently I was not-Elliot because I wanted to go in guns blazing), in which I forgot my wallet. Yes, I went to Vegas--which was apparently only three hours' drive away--and forgot my wallet and I woke up thinking, "That was the stupidest plot I've ever dreamed." I...don't even know.

* In the past three years, I have gone to Disney World, New Orleans, Memphis, and Vegas. It's like I'm trying to go to all the places notorious for where people play. And while they're all very different places, in some ways I also reacted exactly the same in each place.

Well. It made me go "Huh" when I first realized I've been doing this of late.

* I saw the new Alice tonight. The 3D glasses were a bit uncomfortable--I haven't worn 3D glasses in probably legitimately decades, and these were proper and made out of plastic and not the flimsy things of yore. And I wasn't sure how I felt about the movie while watching it--there were good bits and odd bits and bits that made me go "Why is this in this movie?"--but as soon as I walked out of the theater the world seemed a stranger and far more wonderful place. Perhaps I should practice believing impossible things before breakfast.

* And then I went to get my car washed, lost $5 because the stupid machine spat it out and I couldn't grab hold of it quickly enough, and then had to drive over those stupid guide things they put in some automatic washes to guide your tires, and I always mess up and fear that I'm doing serious damage to the underside of my car and I HATE WASHING MY CAR. Quite a lot. Only I'm even worse at it when I do it myself. Stupid car washes.

* We have exchanged snow for rain, and the world is still gray, and it seems like everyone I meet is drooping more and more. Last weekend it was nice enough--there was even some sun!--to go walking, and everyone I met was happy, and we all chatted brightly about the weather and how nice it was to be outside again. C'mon, spring. Come along and bring us some sun again.

* I have a rough draft of a story for Big Finish's contest-thingy. Only it's a terribly crap rough draft, and I am pretty apathetic about the whole thing, but my brain won't kick into gear and give me a better story idea. Hmph.

* Um. I think I'm still forgetting things. But that's the gist, at least. I really want to make carrot cake--not this weekend, maybe next?--and everything's in a strange sort of waiting limbo right now, and my summer could be ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT if it works out in my favor, only I'm afraid to breathe anything to anyone in case I jinx all of it. So. In the meantime, I shall visit friends this weekend and probably watch another episode of Simon & Simon tonight because it is currently my comfort brain food of choice.

fandom, life, transitioning, foooood, eddies in the timestream, edmund burke is a git, dw, really ought to have a travel tag by now, leverage

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