Feb 09, 2010 18:35
This is almost certainly exactly the wrong response to have, but I'm somewhat comforted by the fact that apparently lots of other people are having as shit a day/week as I am. Misery loves company proven true?
And my shitty day/week is ENTIRELY MY FAULT, and I need to get over myself and stop being a whiny bitch, but that does not seem to be quite so forthcoming.
In much more amusing news, I created my first survey using surveymonkey today, for a paper a co-worker and I are writing about our grant project. We weren't quite sure what all the different types of questions entailed, so we looked at the samples, which are hilarious and all about peanut butter. No, seriously, peanut butter. Rating various brands of peanut butter, and open-ended description of one's first encounter with peanut butter, and multiple choice questions about peanut butter, and for descriptive text, they had this sample:
"Man cannot live by bread alone; he must have peanut butter."
-James A. Garfield
So we maybe kinda spent five minutes just seeing what the examples were rather than focusing on our srs survey bznz. Maybe. I mean, my co-worker really likes his peanut butter.