DUDE. Not only did McGee mention Doctor Who, but they're, like, doing my job. I mean, every day I think why isn't this organization online?! or something equivalent to that, and then I actually, y'know, look at the records in the boxes and figure out what I'm looking at from there. (Archival research = NOT EASY. Particularly when you're looking at about six to eight collections a day.) So, McGee whining about paper cuts and with bank statements spread out everywhere? I laugh in your general direction, sir. Laugh. I laugh in all your directions. And then I cry because I have so little background in electronic records.
I would totally be an Navy archivist, if the federal government would ever hire me.
I enjoyed all the cop show refs, though. My geekishness probably started with mysteries even before sci-fi.
I was listening to the '60s XM radio station driving home from work, and this song started, and it was classic 1960s with all the strings and a little bit of the woodwinds and then the singer starts singing about cake. In the rain. And how it made him very sad. And the song went on like this for, like, ten minutes. It was quite possibly the most unintentionally hilarious song I've heard in a good long while. It was in fact Richard Harris singing
MacArthur Park. Go, listen, enjoy.