
Sep 10, 2009 21:01

I talked to four people on the phone today. No, wait, five. I never talk to that many people on the phone. Granted, they were all friends & family, but I actually called three of them, of my own volition, and that almost never happens. Of course, the last conversation lasted exactly one minute and thirteen seconds and the majority of it consisted of

Me: *picking up phone* Yeeees?
J: Playtpuses!
Me: Playtpi?
J: Think of something else!
Me: Uh...
J: Platypee?
Me: Mooshee mooshee?

I have no idea what I'm going to do at work tomorrow. NONE. I have a single task that will probably last me at most ten minutes. Perhaps I shall wander outside and pick the wild flowers. Speaking of wild flowers

I'd like to say, "Oh, look what I painted!" But really, it was just my crappy camera phone smearing everything.

This is your office. This is your office on archives. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME, FOLKS.

(I should dig out the picture of my friend sitting on the piece of mining equipment we affectionately called the bastard. "Only professional curators should perform this stunt.")

Here, have some more wild sunflowers:

I sent that one to my mom, actually, with a caption that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOOGIE!" Yes, I sometimes call my mother moogie. We are a proud family of geeks. Proud, dammit.

fandom, surreality, life, tuesday's child, family, oh my giddy aunt, eddies in the timestream

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