1. I have now joined the ranks of individuals who have changed their clothes in the car. Including my bra, and holy Hannah, that was awful. (I wouldn't have done it if I could have worn the other bra with this shirt, but no, the straps would have shown.) I can now check undressing-and-dressing-in-a-car off my list. My unexpected and unknown
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A big yay for #5 and for 6 as well.
Am going to watch the Who special today too.
Go here, watch this. Orca_girl sent me the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY
watched the link--ha! take that, you buggers!
My uncle....well, words fail me.
And yes, take that indeed all those buggers. Yay!
My uncle just tended to drive the wrong way down one-way streets. Which is not safe either, but...y'know, less taking-off-of-pants.
Ixnay on wrong way driving. Meep.
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