You can probably insert something about "In Soviet Russia" here.

Jan 17, 2009 11:48

I FINALLY finished rereading the EDA Parallel 59 after weeks of spending on it (the problem with only reading it during mealtimes, when I can be arsed...). It's probably the first time I've read it since, er, *checks publishing date* 2000?

Shall cut to spare those who are not interested in Middle Skool Who )

dw, booooks, intellectual wankery

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In Soviet Russia, diary writes you! lullabee_lj January 18 2009, 03:27:58 UTC
I am convinced that, as it seems as though Fitz is keeping a diary all the time and he therefore obviously likes writing, he writes LotR slash fic sometimes. Frodo/Sam, obviously. Or not even slash! Obliviously slashy friendship fic, and if he were to post it on the internet, all the fanbrats would ask when they're going to have sex. And he'd be kind of baffled.

So, anyway, I am always really pleased by bits where it's evident that it's not as though all the over-the-top devotion is on Fitz's side. It almost seems that way, which would be a bit sad. But, really, it's just that there isn't a lot of bits that really get into the Doctor's emotions, and he's weird about emotions anyway. But that bit actually does imply very obviously that the Doctor loves Fitz! :D

And I think I might read Parallel 59 now. Oh, wait, this is the one that's really, really, really slashy on the Doctor's side of things, isn't it? About how he wishes he'd got into Fitz's capsule thingy and all that. I mean, you said it was slashy, but this is seriously pretty much the one where the writer apparently realized it looked like Fitz had a one-sided crush and decided to prove he didn't.


Re: In Soviet Russia, diary writes you! wishfulaces January 18 2009, 19:10:22 UTC
Oh, definitely the oblivious hardcore frienship stuff. (And I bet he used to write Sam/Frodo, and then he met the Doctor & Sam, and started writing Pippin/Merry. Because it was too weird otherwise.)

Yes, it's a good reminder that while Fitz is the more obvious one of the two, it's not all one-sided; the Doctor really does have a thing about him.

This is really pretty slashy on the Doctor's part. Fitz is making time with about three different women (and his new best mate), though it is also where Fitz wonders just how much influence the Doctor and the TARDIS had in Remembering him. But yes, it's mostly the Doctor mooning over Fitz and shaking his head at Compassion. It's lovely. (One of the authors is Stephen Cole, so it's sort of not surprising?)


Re: In Soviet Russia, diary writes you! lullabee_lj January 18 2009, 22:43:24 UTC
Or he just writes out "Samwise" all the time. He knows that's practically not even the character's name, but...

And I've been skimming it like a terrible skimming thing, and it's very weird that all of a sudden in this one, Fitz is being this complete Don Juan. Usually he's more of a serial monogamist. But he's not actually doing it just to have three women, he has almost an argument with one of them and goes and picks up another one. It's like rather than just say outright how upset he is, he just gets some kind of passive-aggressive revenge. And then this one is also weird because Fitz actually has friends, plural. It's kind of odd. Usually he only has one girlfriend or male BFF at a time, but he actually ends up having three girlfriends and two close male friends. (Also - Nikol, Serjey, Anya... really Russian names!) I'm not sure why. Possibly just because he isn't in contact with the Doctor at all, and Low Rez is basically a charity case anyway. Maybe it's because everything is pretty much really calm and normal for him until it suddenly isn't, but by that point he's had time to make friends.

Oh, also, random observation - he never seems to be smoking, and I doubt he could find a cigarette if he tried, but he doesn't seem bothered. Either he figures it's an important part of the whole experience and therefore doesn't bother whining to his diary about it, or perhaps the TARDIS has had it with smelling like cigarettes.


Re: In Soviet Russia, diary writes you! wishfulaces January 20 2009, 03:06:21 UTC
I think it might have something to do with a) being in Mechta, this fairy land where everything seems hunky-dory and b) being anywhere for more than a couple days with nothing better to do than hang around. But yeah, it is really odd especially because even before he left with the Doctor & Sam he was a loner. (Again, I think a lot of it is to do with Mechta specifically.)

I didn't even notice the smoking thing in this one. Maybe that's part of it all being a dream, and he puts it down to being in Mechta? Then again, he might have mentioned it specifically early on in the book and I've completely forgotten because I read that bit weeks ago. Memory like a sieve. *sigh*


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