What is really, really weird is that I want the fic that takes place during SG-1's Year that Never Was and from Cam's ten years during the Depression (helloooooo, emo porn). I don't do AU fics usually. But, yeah, that was a lot of fun, and it had almost everyone, and it was even more fun watching it with other people. And Daniel drunk-dialing himself will never get a chance to get old. I'm sure he drunk-dialed Jack afterwards and that went SO MUCH BETTER.
I'm still kinda at the inarticulate rage stage, apparently. I had a deeply uncomfortable and strange reaction to "Turn Left" that I still can't figure out (again with the AU issue?), so I can't really talk about it, and last week's episode--great, now I can't even remember what it's called--left me wishing I was watching "Five Doctors" instead. (It was that kind of fan service without actually working for me, maybe because I hadn't grown up with it? I don't know, I don't understand, it just felt forced and trite even in comparison to Terrance Dicks which is just weird.) It had lots of lovely moments, and Sarah's reaction in both parts to the Daleks and Davros was wicked cool, and yes I jumped up & down a lot and screamed "MICKEY!" when he popped up at the beginning of this episode, but...disappointment and inarticulate, mostly at the ending. Yeah.
Can we have Mickey & Martha at Torchwood now please?
Have been hibernating for the past couple days. That's the only word for it. I took a nap this evening, and I'm supposed to get up at a relatively human time tomorrow and arrrgh, crap, etc.