Just call me Sheepy McSheep.

Oct 18, 2007 21:10

Okay, Supernatural has earned my undying love after tonight's episode. Slapstick that works, boo-yah.

kseda started this again: Comment on this post. I'll choose seven userpics from your profile and you'll reply here (or you know, your own journal, whichever), explaining what they mean and why you're using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along. Also, feel free to ask me about my icons here, as well.

Only *please* don't ask me to copy any more icon pictures because it tries my internets skillz waaaaaay too much. I'm sure there's an easier way that I have yet to discover. Story of my life.

1. Key word: growf
Oh, I can't explain the Growf dragon. It's a character from a comic by Phil & Kaja Foglio (Girl Genius, anyone?) from the 1980s and the only reason I know anything at all about it is because of my brother, and that just brings in a whole host of connotations that really don't bear going into in this journal. I use it because I find both the word and the dragon very comforting.

2. Key word: sofa of reasonable comfort aka Ford Prefect
Ha! It's a crossover icon! I love those! "The sofa of reasonable comfort" is a torture device devised by the Master in "Curse of Fatal Death." And the sofa in question is, of course, Ford Prefect. I love surreality. Can you tell? And I use it for the absurdities in life.

3. Key word: donald o'conner
Donald O'Conner ROCKS. He is instantly happy-making in the same way Dean Martin is. I have him sitting at a piano because all of the pictures I could find of him dancing (particularly on the wall) were not very icon-able.

4. Key word: jeremy
The original Nowhere Man, from Yellow Submarine. (I went through a Beatles obsession when I was a pre-teen/early teen. Don't most people?) I use it to talk about writing, actually, because sometimes all my scribblings are really just therapy, and because when other people talk about writing or the writing process you know it's about more than just getting two (or more) characters to have sex. Or something.

5. Key word: wild night
The randomest icon ever because of its source--this is from the movie Come September, which I have seen exactly once. I don't even remember a whole lot of what happened in it, but there was one point where all the American tourists (it takes place in Italy) got really, really drunk and very, very relaxed. Therefore, this icon.

6. Key word: campion's irrelevant observation
Made by the ever-lovely uktechgirl, I use it for when I make what I think are random/less-than-useful/silly comments on other people's LJs.

7. Key word: voyeuristic intention
Um. I use this icon when being introspective/thoughtful, mostly, but really it has to do with my strange kink about driving around at night and peeking inside people's lighted windows to see how they live their lives. C'mon, I'm not the only one who does this, right? Right?

As for that DW-companion meme? I got Sarah Jane. Does this mean I can have a Harry Sullivan of my very own?

fandom, lj

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