I should be more tired than this, really I should.

Jun 26, 2005 00:35

Salieri tagged me for an OTP meme. Therefore I had to obey. (Hey, she co-rules the universe with me. Only I don’t think either of us have been paying very close attention to our duties…)

But I don't tend to think of myself as having OTPs. Just characters I gravitate toward.

1. Darien/Bobby (and sometimes Claire), Invisible Man: Okay, these guys I actually wrote an essay explaining why they’re so froody. And they are froody. You can’t watch “Flowers for Hobbes” without melting into a puddle of sentimental goo at how much our boys care about each other. And Bobby totally ditches the hot chick in “Sense of Community” for Darien! (Throwing Claire in adds lots more layers of angst and possibility for farce. See "Three Phases of Claire" for tantalizing examples. Mmmm, angsty farcical layer cake. Anyway.)

2. Fitz/Eight, EDAs: Because, dude, Fitz so loves Eight and it’s so cute and denial-arrific. Go read Halflife and tell me otherwise. Also, Eight did in fact kiss Fitz. So there.

3. Jack/Daniel, Stargate: SG-1: Lately, I haven’t been paying much attention to Stargate, I admit, and I think I still hold more fondness for the early seasons. But the chemistry between Jack and Daniel and the oh-so-edifying conversations (see the apology in “One False Step” for truly stunning repartee, or perhaps the most intriguingly tangled conversation concerning Freya, Anise, Daniel, and Jack in “Divide and Conquer”) they can have only with each other are sheer fannish bliss. Also, they're great for really loud and sometimes-completely-at-odds-philosophically-speaking arguments.

4. Jules Verne/Rebecca Fogg, Secret Adventures of Jules Verne: Because it is oh-so-fucked-up. Jules adores Rebecca; she treats him like a little brother. Rebecca has Issues concerning cousin Phil; so, for that matter, does Jules. And while on the surface it looks pretty simple and innocent, there’s a lot more going on there than meets the eye. (In my fannish worldview anyway, which is probably pretty unique. Plus, Rebecca was so enjoying herself in that alternate timeline when Jules-as-King-Louis was nibbling her ear. Well, until she knocked him out, that is.)

5. Nine/Jack/Rose: Really, it’s actually all about Jack flirting with anything that moves (and if he does it in that lovely 1940s peacoat with the upturned collar and fedora, more power to him). And it’s also because the idea of Nine/Rose by themselves to me is far too unequal of a power distribution and just really, really weird age-and-maturity-wise (Rose is in many ways a typical selfish nineteen-year-old--and I can say that, being officially years older than 19 *snort*), but when you add Jack into the mix, you get a bridge. (Seriously-Jack can talk technobabble and time travel with Nine, and he can party with Rose.) You also get some desperately needed anti-angstiness, because Jack doesn’t do angst, despite the whole two years’ missing memory. He’s fun, he’s light-hearted, he’s out to have a good time, and he’s the exact antidote that Nine-Brooder Extraordinaire-and Rose “But that’s wrong!” Tyler need.

Also-it’s canon! At least from Jack’s point of view, and I’m whole-heartedly on Jack’s side with this one.

Honorary mentions:
Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo, Man from UNCLE: Aww. They so cute together. And snarky!Illya whenever Boney brings home another girlfriend! *love*
Assumpta Fitzgerald/Peter Clifford, Ballykissangel: Mainly because Stephen Tompkinson’s acting abilities have the ability to make me weep (in a good way). And those two characters are seriously tangled in each other. (Plus, I have this thing about Catholic priests on telly. Seriously. We’re not even gonna mention Father Mulcahey…)
Ramses Emerson/Nefret Forth (later Emerson), Amelia Peabody Emerson books: Because reading Ramses angst over the girl he’s loved since he first laid eyes on her at age eleven is fun. Though reading about him agonizing over letting his wife run into danger with him gets kinda old after a while.
John Crichton/practically anything on Moya that moves, including possibly Moya herself, Farscape: Because, yeah. Wow. Don’t try to tell me they’re not all having massive orgies on that Leviathan, ‘cos I won’t believe you.
Rebecca Fogg/Claire, TSAOJV/Invisible Man crossover: Because it only exists in my head and it would be so *cool* if I ever got around to finishing that damned contrived story. Because Rebecca Fogg is dangerous and is surprised to find Claire is dangerous too.

So, yeah, most of my supposed OTPs are of the so-screwed-up-this-would-never-actually-work kind. As you can see. This probably says something profound about me, but I really don’t want to think about it.

I should go to bed now. Ho-hum.

crossovers yay, iman, fandom, world domination, dw, mysteries, geeeeeek, stargates

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