Well what is there to write about? Nothing really. Pretty much everyone left me and moved to Arizona *lame*. So I'm still here, in Michigan working at Starbucks for the time being and trying to enjoy any free time that happens to come by. I guess you could call this free time since I'm updating my freakin' Livejournal which I never hardly ever do. I'm currently by my doctors request not working for a whole week because I have tonsillitis and mono. Woohoo I'm officially falling apart :) go me. I hate being sick. Hate hate hate it. I sleep a LOT because of the mono and when I am awake it's hard to stay awake. Sleep is my new best friend. Ehh whatever fuck it. The only cure for mono is rest so that's what I'm trying to do. I supposedly have 3 months to go until October and I move. Wow! 3 months isn't that far away! Hopefully I'll have everything straightened out and I'll be better by then! It's so frustrating for me because anytime I bring up Arizona people try to talk me out of it. It's nice though... atleast I know I'll be missed... and I'm loved a lot. Ok done with the complaining :) I got a the new Verizon pink Razr phone :) it's cuuuute. I think I'll go take a nap or something.