Jul 18, 2008 01:55
Still feeling kind of gross. Randomly had to search the room for the surface bar that was in my nape. I've decided that yes, I definitely want it back. I'll have to get Ryan the hot piercist to redo it come September when I have money. Or beg my mom to pay for it when we're in Edmonton. Moooommmm, wanna come see me get needles stuck in my neck? Pretty please?
A lot of my piercings, I've gotten just because. Or for vague reasons of rebellion or just wanting to try it. And the "I want to try it" was definitely a part of why I did the nape piercing. I wanted a surface piercing. I wanted to do something I hadn't done yet. I thought it was pretty, also. But it also had a lot o symbolism relating to things going on in my life: I had just become vegetarian, I was planning on moving out on my own, I was planning to come out to my mom. Come September, I'll hopefully still be in school, finally be living on my own (if only for a year), making real plans for the future, getting my act together... and those are promises I want to remake, and the surface bar. It meant those things to me, so I want it back. It's important.
And this time it won't be a month before concert season, so I won't be getting anyone's shoes in the back of my neck. And when it gets irritated, I can go to Ryan and whine about it.
body mods