(no subject)

Jun 26, 2006 23:34

Wow! so its been a while since I've last posted. Much to update...

I'm back from Italy, and I'm now back in school, and working on a film that I will be filming in August.

Once again, I'm not posting sober. Tell me if this is becoming dangerous and something I should look into...

Anywho's...tonight I had the most fabulous night..in a morbid, little school boy sort of way.

First off, FABULOUS, 'cause I finally found some zig-zag's. Started the night off well. A good way to end a not to shabby of a day, one filled with talking to pretty girls, and a great workout this morning.

Then here is the morbid part, not in it's purest sense, but still pretty bad.

There has a been a girl that I have been musing about since... since my last couple weeks in Italy. She's absolutely gorgeous, smart, with a future, and she makes me happy. She also has a boyfriend. I know this boyfriend. We eventually became even friends. I put my thing for her on hold, until a week or two before I left Italy and I re-fell in love with this girl. Amazing. That's all there is to be said about her.

She went to France, I came back to Canada. How sick is life when a person you really care about, one of the few, if not only person, to make you feel this good is half away around the world.

Since that week in Italy, my feelings for her, sadly, didn't stop. They kept growing, and it may be because I was slightly delusional, but I also started to get the feeling that it was reciprocal. We would talk on msn, and through this thing called skype where we would actually call each other and speak. We made each other laugh, and it was such a good time.

Tonight, I'm 99% sure she told me she got into an argument with her boyfriend, and, sadly, are no longer together. I lent a friendly shoulder to cry, and that feeling came back.

So yeah... really sad for her, again, sorta morbidly great for me.

The night continues. This is where the best 5 min of my life are played out...

But first, I watch some.... Ok, you caught me, half a season of Friends.... but THEN the best five minutes are played out as I go upstairs to check my e-mail. I got an e-mail from one of my actors. He's a professional and he's REALLY EXCITED ABOUT WORKING ON MY PROJECT! For free may I add. He wants to go over my vision with me and get prepared for the shot! OH MY GOD! I HAVE SUCH A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS MOVIE!! I'm SOO EXCITED!!!!

The night gets better...

I then check another one of my accounts and pretty girls are randomly checking me out, and taking an interest.... IN ME! When the fuck does that ever happen!?

Sooo good night all in all. I had quite the revelations tonight. It was quite productive considering the circumstances!

That is all

...for now
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