Taking a look at my Journal, I haven't posted much lately, or actually at all this entire year.
I should have. I haven't taken any picture on account of not having a camera, and always looking back I wish I had done these things....
So many memories this year that I haven't kept track of...
Here's a quick glimpse of what has happened since my around February, filling in the gaps between posts.
From January I was "seeing" this girl in one of my classes. Sweet girl. Honestly though, I'm not exactly sure why I was in the relationship. I have some ideas, but there only ideas. While back there was a post about being frustrated.....she was it.
I ended up getting really busy the week leading up to Valentines day.....we ended up breaking it off that night....REALLY long story around that one....it involves me not having to spend a cent on Valentines, getting out of a relationship guilt free, and free cookies!
After that it was pretty chillin for a while until the show... there was a post about that week up until the Saturday. THAT NIGHT for the final show… which went nothing less the spectacularly, I went to get ready to go to the after party, the people I was supposed to go with ditched me so I went back to the theatre and helped clean up. Did a bit of work but found myself to be in the way at times so I just went to Timmies and bought everyone Tim Bits. Eventually making my way to the party I was welcomed with a drinking game involving plenty of lesbionic make out sessions. The house was JAMMED. House for four now had no less than 60! Good times and plenty of alcohol to go around. Had a bunch of shots, a couple beers and a couple hits of a bong....good times. Around 4 in the morning a bunch of us decided it was time to leave and to get some breakfast....went to Mel's Diner 24hr Breakfast, I may or may not have accidentally hit a parked car and gotten into an argument over it. Stumbled inside to find NONE other than the manager of the bar I used to work at with a bunch of the employees after a shift....ohh yeah....to that..
SOOO I got fired from my job! Here is the quickest long story I can make....
So, two girls wanted a couple drinks, so where do they come but to 'PETE's TAVERN' (aka My room). I hook them up and they're on their way. Later in the night I get a knock at my door. It's there don, she wants to know if some of her girls were in my room drinking, she knew they were, she wanted to know if they were doing it in my room. Well, since we were the only ones in the room and really the only ones who could have seen anything she OBVIOUSLY knew, so I said yes. She left it at that. The next day the girls come to me saying that they were fined and a whole bunch of hibbie jibbie. The next week I get a note from the director of residence saying that we need to have a talk. We have a talk and apparently I wasn't going to get fined but he brought my story around campus because I worked in one of the on campus bars. Apparently that means that I am to be held to higher standard and being Smart Serve qualified means something!? So who does he tell but the President of the school, a bunch of deans, the head of food services, the holder of the on campus liquor licence, and the on campus bar's manager.....he said that they were going to deal with me.....nothing happens for about two weeks....later I get an e-mail saying I need to have a meeting with my bosses boss, the head of the on campus bar operations. Because of this that and the other thing...I was fired....I still got the letter of "releasement "
...so back to the story, I see my former boss, and drunkenly tell him that everything is kosher between us and that I don't blame him for what happened and that everything is cool....I also ended up paying for everyone’s meals.....went home and to bed.
Sooo, right after my shows run I had my buddy from Italy arrive with his brother and a friend of his....ohh god the good times were had. We went here, went there and over all had a great time. The highlight had to have been when Emilie a friend of ours that was on exchange with me from Vermont came to see us. She took a 12 hour train ride to come be with us! SUCH a great time! I can't even begin to describe how amazing it was to be all of together again. Niagra Falls had to have been the best day despite the weather. They left, I was upset, but I know that I'll see them again soon cause I'm GOING IN SEPTEMBER! I'm going to buy my ticket next week :D!
A little while ago I also posted about my former flight instructor and I talking. I had thought that she may have had a thing for me...well, turns out I was right. We had a 'date' yesterday. I prepared a picnic for us to go on....it was a lot of fun. She ended up staying over. Didn't get ANY SLEEP, but she went home after being 'hit with a really big paintball'.
I have one exam left. This Thursday, German, I can honestly wait for it to come. Not because of the exam but because after I'll have to go home. I really don't want to. My life here is soo much better, what am I saying...of course it is...I actually HAVE a life here....
It's going to be a good week....I'm still trying to find a job for this summer....argh....
Thats it though.....I Kudos goes to you if you actually read all that :P Cheers!