Dear god, I woke up in this place that looks strangely like Xander's bedroom, but I stuck my head out the door and it was a hallway, not his living room-slash-kitchen. And let me tell you, I don't feel like going into a hallway every time I want to watch TV or make waffles even though that was Xander's job because I still can't cook!
The bunny was
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What is your name...? A couple of your recollections, there, are a tad familiar.
We have never met.
How do you know that name? I don't recall writing it down anywhere for my apparent horde of stalkers to discover. I realize I'm charming, and attractive on many levels, but that's no license to dig through my personal files and document my every move!
You're pretty much the only Anya with a working knowledge of transdimensional understanding, who was also a part of the Slayer's inner circle.
Although, truth be told, we were a lot more interested in your prior history...
Though I'm not sure clams can sing, as I am hardly an expert in marine biology. And I'm not actually a clam.
You should ask one of our resident Doctors about our pasting machines!
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