Jul 26, 2007 16:21
I am so bored. Nearly two complete months into my stay at Meditech, and I am officially sick of the internet and almost everything it has to offer. Alas, the internet is all I have to occupy my time, so I will continue to click away.
Today my clicking led me to random livejournals -- friends of friends mostly. One girl wrote a lovely rant about how she is sick of being beeped/hollered/creepily stared at. On and on she went about how she wanted to be thought of as an intelligent, kind, and pretty young woman, and not some hot piece of ass. I was enjoying her rant, and then she quickly ruined it. "I am in no means a feminist," she wrote. I would like to know what the fuck is wrong with being a feminist? I'm guessing that she actually has very little idea of what a feminist truly is. She, like most people, likely subscribes to the idea that feminists are hairy legged, loud mouthed, man haters, and it is with this stereotype that she wished to disassociate herself. But, truly, that's all it is: a stereotype. In reality, most women at least fit the basic definition of a feminist... if only we were able to escape the negative connotations of the label. Do you want equal rights? Sorry, you're a feminist. Now feminism is, of course, much more complicated than that, encompassing a number of theories and movements, but equality is at the core of it all, and really, who doesn't want that?