Therapy session

Feb 20, 2007 11:16 vie!

Anyone know a good book on how to be happy in a crappy situation? They always says it's really all about your outlook, right? And since I'm not really in a postition to change my job (it's only been 3 months. shit.) maybe I can work on my outlook. Positive reinforcement and all that. I swear I could write about 5 lengthy entries a day about the agency I work for and how dysfunctional it is. And it's real easy to blame my unhappiness on that -- is it really fair? Am I unhappy because I'm overworked, underpaid and belittled on a daily basis? Am I unhappy because I live in a town built in the desert where no human should ever live? Am I unhappy because I'm far from the ocean? Because I owe more money than I can make in 2 years? Or because my prozac isn't working?

Or maybe its just that no matter where I am in life, I'll want something different.

And speaking of wanting something different...the plan to move to Portland is still out there. Ok, well it's not really a "plan" yet...more like a "hope." A "plan" would imply that I have something worked out or configured to make it happen. And I don't. What I think I really need is to save about $10,000 and just bite the bullet and go. I've been trynig to land a job out there to have some sort of security, but I think I'm still too early in my career to merit being hired from out of state.
Any ideas, anyone?
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