May 20, 2005 11:55
yeah, so it's been a while since i updated....
so right now i'm living in a big house with johnny, jonathan, hazem, and brandon.
my room is a glorified hallway with linoleum flooring. it has no windows. our house has no air conditioning, but i do have a small fan that helps to circulate the dank hot air.
at least i'm better off than jonathan- he lives in the storage room and has to keep his door closed so the roaches don't come into the house. jonathan doesn't have a bed so i usually end up sharing with either him or hazem.
in my time there, the boys have melted my spatula, lost all my cups, broken my liquor bottles, stained and/or bleached all of my dish towels, blackened all my knives from taking knife hits, fucked up my car door, drank all my liquor, and put a hole in my bath mat.
our bathroom smells like pee and the kitchen floor is sticky with beer from the party ball incident.
our dishwasher is broken... and the sink sprays funny because the boys took the screen out of the faucet to use for their bong.
we finally got cable, but i don't have it in my room- it's been about three weeks since i watched law and order.
oh yeah, i'm a Hooters Girl now.