Oct 16, 2004 18:28
Allright.. I am now no longer a live journal virgin. This seems like it will be a great way to waste a good portion of my week. So.. first post..
It is 6:30 and I have yet to take a shower today. Congratulations to me. It was a really long night... I went out to ZBT around 11:30 after recieving a call from an extremely drunken pledge. A bottle of Arbor Mist, two really big beers, and a really strong rum and cranberry juice later, the plastered pledgeboys sarted throwing things and breaking shit, so I decided to leave. Called a friend for a ride, because I was way too drunk to walk that far, and I also have a huge fear of getting raped or mugged or stepping on a cockroach when I'm out at night. I then continued on to a friend's house to watch Super Troopers and finish off my second bottle of Arbor Mist, at which point I decided I didn't need to drink anymore.
Soon after I got a ride to another friend's apartment where I proceded to crash on the couch. I cannot put into words how vehemently I loathe that couch. My back still hurts from trying to fit the entire width of my body into a six-inch space because a certain someone tends to take up the entire bed, couch, floor, whatever. I awoke to the lovely sound of the Alabama Fight Song being played by the one and only Million Dollar Band. Thank You, Homecoming Parade. I crawled back into my dorm around 11:30 this morning wearing the same clothes, the same makeup, and the good ol' JBF hair. I hate being such a cliche...I went to sleep and woke up around 4:00. So technically, I've only really been awake for about three hours now. That's not too bad for a wake up/ take shower time interval
So that's the summary of my night.. I'm trying to kill time now before I start getting ready to go out tonight. I'm excited because I have new pants to wear.. Yea for me. So, on to bigger and better things.. I stil have another bottle of Arbor Mist to kill.