The potato dream

Mar 30, 2009 19:31

Last night I had a dream that....

I was in the house that I grew up in in Colorado, but the house was located at the bottom of a steep mountain. I started at the top of the mountain and someone else who was with me jumped off the edge (base jumping) to get down. I climbed down because jumping off was too scary. I climbed down to the house and went inside. I was inside to gather a bunch of things that I needed (I was packing a bag I think). I went into the house and went down into the basement where I met a potato. The potato fell in love with me but I didn't love it back. I turned to leave and the potato got angry. Its roots grew and grew and filled the whole basement, they wriggled after me on the floor and grabbed at my ankles and feet. I ran away, dodging all the potato roots. I climbed up the stairs and got into my bedroom, but the roots filled the doorway and I couldn't get out. I opened the window and escaped that way. But then I realized I forgot SOCKS. So I had to climb back into the window briefly and grab some socks, then climbed back out and escaped....
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