More goodness!

Apr 26, 2010 18:19

So, I get to put work in one last show before I graduate this May. I put my painting, Manifest Destiny, into the Senior Show. The reception for the show is April 29th (this thursday) at 7:30 pm. It's on the third floor gallery of the Center for the Arts building. I'll be there wandering around the gallery and talking.

Silly me, i forgot to scan my new painting. So i can't even give a sneak peek.

Also: I opened my Etsy back up. I will announce when everything is up. Right now i'm having a pre-opening sale with original drawings. I'll be adding more original drawings, and some prints this week. I may add some "mystery print" listings at sale price. So check it out!

I have some work to share with you, but it will have to wait for now. I'm getting pretty busy over here with projects and papers. Three weeks until i walk across the stage and graduate!

This summer is looking pretty good! I'll be taking time for art, some vacationing (including a road trip or two), and i'll be designing clothes & accessories for a friend! Sweeet.

update, gallery, summer, art, etsy

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