.... seriously. These morals that we're being raised on.

Oct 02, 2009 18:10

They contradict the kind of person that I want to be able to be.
too trusting.

Today, I got yelled at for believing in the good will of a person. And it just feels so completely and utterly unjust.

when a person, because surely we are all people and are all equal, someone God proclaims to be your neighbor, comes up to your door asking you for donations to help save other people.People that you can relate to.

And you give him the last two dollars in your wallet after leaving the door unattended for a while.less than a minute.

Yes I understand that he could have been some criminal wanting to shank me for whatever money this household has. Yes he could in fact be a drug addict just wanting my money. who the hell knows who he is.

It's not because I gave two dollars of my own money that my dad practically hit me for, It's because I left the door unattended for long enough to go grab two dollars out of my bag. and yes I was fucking running. Not sprinting but enough to be jogging. which could have been no more than 7-12 seconds. And I got a hard slap on the back why?
Because I didn't think the guy could have been some kind of fucking murder who was out to get our house and shank us.
Because I believed that he, out of the goodness of his still human heart, would not be evil enough to kill someone who was willing to donate towards his cause.

The reason why I hate humanity is because of these kind of flaws. It's completely untrusting society in which all shouldbe suspected of sinful deeds because all people before you know them have this innate sinfull-ness installed inside of their nature. And I am disguisted. I feel ashamed for my him. him who seems to be nothing but angry right now. because his daughter is such an idiot for trusting in the goodness of society.

yes, I do know where all this paranoia is coming from. do I understand because things like that do happen? yes
but almost whole heartedly I do not agree with this.

I would rather die from being naive.
Then persecute a man who has any chance of innocence because I was too naive to see it.

Maybe I'm being pretty biased right now but this.
This just feels wrong. and this feels wrong with my morals.

But I will have to say that I have changed, That I will no longer open the door to any.

Because all of us should just be closed off distrusting individuals.

injust, humanity, memory, rant

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