I'm an apparently intelligent, liberal, disgustingly generous, relatively well adjusted human being!
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Which Historical Lunatic Are You?From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.
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Rum and Monkey
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Rum and Monkey Yesterday was simply horrible. Math exam kicked my butt, then psych was ok, but draining. After school I fought with Kate which has been happening kind of frequently. Actually, the fighting hasn't, but there have been more than a couple of occurences that I haven't felt like she thinks I'm her best friend anymore. I really need somewhere to lean on right now, as disgustingly pathetic as that sounds, and I always thought I could have her. But now she seems more caught up in other people. It's making me cry. Yesterday, I had to go to band practice right after school, but I was going to go late so I could talk to Mr. Schwartz. I didn't want to go alone, but I needed to hurry. Kate said she would go with me, but then started talking to Alex and told me that I could just go talk to him without her, she had to send Alex to do something, and she said Clara would go with me. Well, Clara left and talked to friends, so I had to go talk to him alone and I left in tears after breaking down in front of him. I sound like such and emo kid, and that makes me want to die.
During practice though I invited Serena to Slopfest, this thing my church does where kids come and let off all the steam from the end of school by rolling around in mud and just getting generally disgusting before walking across the street and getting hosed off by the fire department. It sounds disgusting, but it was a blast. I just volunteered and took pictures, but I still got kind of gross. Brandon was there so he and Serena ran around and did the games together, so they both had a good time. Adam was signed up to work a station with his dad, but then he chickened out and said it was too gross. His mom and I talked, after she told me I was too clean, and I told her to tell him he's a wimp, wuss and a loser and he should've been there. Lauren was listening and she said that she was going to start or end every sentence like that, "Hand me the remote, and you're a loser." "You're a wimp, and where's mom?" It was a good time. I got some really good pictures and I had a blast running around watching people get dirtier and dirtier. It was a good night. Then, I came home and collapsed.
Hopefully, things will get better now that school's out. Maybe not, if Kate's mad at me and Natalie continues avoiding me like the plague. Maybe Governor's school will be better. Maybe Kate and Nat. will still let me write to them. Maybe.