Feb 09, 2008 23:47
Y'know, this new journal/comm flagging system is lovely. I really do like it, honest.
...but I'm gonna be soooo glad when the third rolls around 'n I don't have to see that "HAY YOU'RE NOT 18 YET HA HA YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE" banner. I know it serves its purpose, and I do appreciate it, but when a whole comm marks itself as 18+ (when not everything in the comm is necessarily 18+), it really makes me wanna go "...dude. TWENTY-THREE DAYS."
On that note, hey - I'm almost 18! =D (I'm warming up to the idea - honest, I am. Still wishy-washy about how much I really wanna be 18, but the idea's growing on me. Just like driving. Egads, I love driving now. <3)