Ok, so I have a confession to make. I don't like John Steinbeck. If you've known me since middle school, you prob'ly already knew this. I've been told he's a fantastic author 'n that The Grapes of Wrath is amazing, but I'm sorry: The Red Pony ruined him for me. No one in my class liked it - I didn't even like it, 'n I normally like just about every book I get my hands on (at least just a little). Not so with TRP. I found Steinbeck a so-so author who just didn't do a very good job of telling his story. The main reason I didn't like the book? Nothing had a satisfactory ending. It left you wanting more, 'n it failed to deliver. 'N that just ticked me off, which was weird because normally when I read something that leaves the ending up to you I can fill in the blanks fairly well.
Weeeellp, I finished
Mother Knows Best yesterday.
And I really need to get back to the reviews soon ('cause apparently posting on Ehl Jay, the Pit, 'n Teaspoon leads to inbox flooding), but I've been reading through 'em 'n I've realized...crap. I think I pulled a Steinbeck.
I'm happy with how I ended it (and zomg, so much love to everyone who got the Andrew Wells joke xD). See, I always intended to leave it like that (trying not to be too give-away-ish in case anyone here hasn't read it yet 'n wants to) - I wanted it to be something that could really take place between "The Voyage of the Damned" and "Partners in Crime", even if it's not official canon. I honestly wasn't planning a sequel because I thought that - with how I ended it - however they bring Rose back, it could still fit. I wanted it to work that way, so it could just plug into canon. (But like I told Aku post-beta last night: if they really do bring Donna back running from a Hoix, I'mma sit there laughing my head off. ;P)
I'm really grateful to the readers who I think got that, the ones who've said they liked how the fic ended. But at the same time...everyone who asked for a sequel (I've got about twenty alerts in my inbox, 'n most of those fall in this category), I'm really grateful to them, too. I'm happy that you've liked the fic enough to want a sequel. What I'm not happy about (well, ok, I'm kinda happy about it) is that I had this nice little 'Could Totally Plug Into Canon' fic, 'n now I've actually got an idea for a sequel. xP
I'm not making any promises. Ideally, I wouldn't write it until after the S4 finale so I could still plug it into canon - but I think that's a bit of a wait 'n might be a bit mean. I know I'm definitely going to turn the alternate histories into their own little series, like a few readers requested - like I said in replies, the idea of how things worked out differently intrigued me, too. I'm definitely doing at least "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances", "Bad Wolf"/"The Parting of the Ways", "Rise of the Cybermen"/"Age of Steel", and "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday" - maybe a few others (still debating this/working it out, but I think "Smith & Jones", "The Lazarus Experiment", and the S3 ending might fall into this category, too). I've also got an idea for a sequel that will most likely completely deviate from canon (but oh how I wish it wouldn't - Chris Eccleston, I want you back 'n decking Ten(nant) so bad! Dx), but I'm gonna see how the Rewritten series goes first. Like I said: no promises. But...you've got the wheels turning, and it's under serious consideration.
So next up in the Mother Knows Best-verse, the Rewritten Series. And then maybe - maybe - a sequel.
But before I close this, I just gotta say: thank you. I was terrified of writing this story 'n so close to just doing your regular Emo!Doc fic, but y'all have made me really glad I ran with it. I honestly didn't think it'd be as well-received as it was - to be honest, I was expecting a lynching for it. xD So what it all comes down to is thanks. Thanks to
ladyofgallifrey for the challenge/prompt, and thanks for everyone who took a chance on it. Y'all make me remember why I like to call myself a story teller. =)