Come 'n get it - a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to SEE WISH SQUIRM.

Sep 11, 2007 23:44

Because y'all know you're miffed at me for vanishing like I have.  And y'all also know (ok, Zelly and Aku know, evil geniuses they are) you love making me suffer.

SO HERE'S THE DEAL.  I found this in...I think it might've been LunaLovegood5's fics, but I'm not sure.  Might've been her or someone else.  POINT:

+ Suggest three fics you want me to write that you know I never ever will, and I'll write 'em.  And laugh as I fail.

So yeah.  I do ask that you make sure it's something I at least know a bit of so it'll be possible to write, but other than that...yeah.  Whether it's a pairing, situation, or whatever that you know I'd never write...have at it.  Suggest away.  I need three of 'em.  Consider it payback for me completely ignoring y'all all summer.  Zelly, I see you thinking Clemi and...technically I can't so no but now I'm scared...

1. ++++++
2. ++++++
3. ++++++

On the fun side...notice the icon?  I swear it's true.  Granma and I were talking about how she was watching Torchwood with Aunt Donna Sue last weekend, and she started fangirling over Jack.  xD  I swear, it was the funniest/creepiest thing ever - I don't think I've ever fangirl'd over the same guy as my Granma.  xDDD

And did you know that when your Office trial runs out you're locked out of all your Word files?  So miffed at that.  I was locked out of everything for about a week, but we picked up Office 2k7 today (the disc is so shiny and spiffin' LOVE).  I love Word so much - it's all blue and pretty and shiny and it does a word count at the bottom.  Automatically.  Which is a bit off when you factor in the opening notes and such, but STILL.  I'm in love with it.

P.s.: Started the pics I owe Nomen Mihi (er...Savannah - she changes her penname like every other week...), and wow.  Four has the Perm o' DOOM/from hell.  But he's fun to draw.  xD  (And I just gotta say it now: I love Tom Baker's teeth.  His teeth are so big and goofy and just hot.)

fandom, life, fics

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