Aug 09, 2004 19:58
*Well this is cool.. I'm currently at the library updating. fun shit..
*I tried to call some ppl yesterday to come over but no one really came.. just 3 ppl. which was cool but now i got a case of beer left in the fridge and i'm not really complaining kuz i bought it but it's more fun to have ppl to drink it with.
*I think me and david, gayle, and matt butcher are goin out to AREA-S tonight and i'm quite excited for that. I haven't been out there in so long and it's definitely what I need. should be alot of fun. I also plan on drinking alot of beer. that should be good as well.
*I think my heart is maxed out at this point. No one else is allowed to enter.. it fucking sucks. Things should be different and I'm tired of waiting for them to be different. I've definitely been in a funk lately b/c of it and i don't really know how to deal with it. oh well.. i'll figure it out.. i've noticed i'm good with "erasing" ppl from my brain so i don't think about them as much and it eventually goes away.... for some reason though.. it's alot harder this time. oh well. I wish there was a pill you could take that would make you get over a person within a matter of days. Whoever would invent that would make a fortune. I would be poppin them all the time so i would never like anyone and things would be so much better. ok i'm done venting.. time to go.. i'll update again in a couple days or so.