insert crappy new york city related lyrics here

Dec 04, 2009 01:01


So as you all know , a few weeks ago I took a trip to see my beloved silvertones and to chill around NYC and unsuccessfully attempt to be AWESOME.

It was an incredibly fun trip, I did a lot of the stuff I wanted to, and I had a blast hanging out with Leora and her friends.

AND BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS you can have some picspam!

The first thing I did was arrive at the airport. Leora and I are both extremely directionally challenged, and so it took us like an hour to find each other. It was really, really funny, I’m not even gonna lie. That night we went to Q’s in Jersey City, which is a really neat nightclub (I AM 18 AND I GOT TO GO CLUBBING GO ME). After that I ended up staying at Leora’s house (and then at Donna’s for the rest of the week) because my hotel fucked me over grandly. Blargh.

The days after that all sort of blur together (I won’t lie, I started this journal intending to write out a day-by-day synopsis of what we did, but I got lazy) but the pictures should give a good idea of what our epic times were like:

This is me and Joel on the way to the airport. WE LIKE MCDONALD'S OKAY

Hee this is Leora's friend Ashley. She was probably laughing at something awesome and hilarious I said. Or at my face. Whatever.

Okay these posters were up all over the place in NYC/Hoboken/Jersey City, and every time Leora and I saw them we thought of the lesbian robots from the famous Bjork video. SO I MADE LEORA POSE WITH THE POSTER.

Somewhere in the city. It was rainy and wonderful! Also, apparently New York City demands a sacrifice. That night it ate my earring. :C BUT I got to buy some super cute indiefag jewelry that night, it was aweosme. c:

THE GANG. Minus Donna and Manny. MANNY WAS HOLDING THE CAMERA THOUGH so it's okay.

Leora and I spent a TON of time in Chinatown, it was soooo much fun. ♥ This is us drinking bubble tea! I'd never had bubble tea before this, it is SO delicious. ;o; It was one of the highlights of the trip (for me at least~)

These two little candy boxes I got in Chinatown. Leora and I dubbed the rainbow one "fag candy". :D

The view of the city from Hoboken. c:

Time's Square!

The awesome shirt I got at (can you believe it) the MTV store. stfu it's awesome

Aaaand on the last night we saw LAURA VEIRS!!! She was AMAZING and we had a really good time. I bought a shirt too!

Anyways that's it for the picspam. I love you guys.

Maybe someday I'll be good at the internet again. :C


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