ok.. i just wanna let all of you guys who have the exact same layout as me that im really fuckin ticked off at you! ok! i spent 4 fuckin hours doin that thing with the help of a really nice girl and then "someone" goes and takes my codes cuz they kno my password and then does her jernal, along with someone elses who passes the codes to yet, another
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Two people on your flist still have the same layout I gave you. I thought you told me that was all cleared up? If they're still using the layout, with or without different colors, then it's not cleared up. That's just not OK, and if I need to take it to LJ Abuse, I will. I made the layout for you to use, not for other people to take without asking, and not for anyone to use without crediting me.
And it seems like you're now using page transitions in your layout. As I specified in my userinfo, that's not acceptable. You can either delete the page transitions, or you can delete all of the overrides that I gave you.
Right now, there are two things you need to do:
(1) Get your friends to delete the overrides that I gave you. They may not use these.
(2) Delete your overrides for page transitions, or delete the overrides that I gave you. You may not combine the two.
If these two things aren't done, I have no problem bringing this to LJ Abuse; they can do whatever they deem sufficient, up to and including suspending the journals involved. I don't bring LJ Abuse in lightly, and this is the first time I've had a problem with anyone using a layout I've done. I don't think you or your friends realize that this is a significant problem, and I have the right to be upset about this.
You say, "i made sure that the person that did, deleted her whole entire jernal." I assume you are referring to bl0nde_beauty. She did offer to delete her journal. However, you asked her not to delete her journal. She deleted neither her journal nor its layout.
dreamland_xo admits to using these overrides. bl0nde_beauty also admits to using and passing on these overrides.
Since they both admit it, and since the codes are identical, I doubt that either user "got layouts from different lj layout makers."
You ask, "how come i cant have the transition on there? i thought it was ok if i got the code myself and put it in there."
My userinfo clearly states the following about page transitions:
"If you add page transitions to the layout I have made for you, or if you get someone else to add page transitions to the layout I have made for you, then you can no longer use the layout I made. There are no exceptions. If you want any other modifications later, I'd prefer if you saw me, but page transitions are an absolute no."
Also, you are no longer crediting me in your userinfo, but you are still using the layout I made for you.
This needs to change. You still have the same two things you need to do:
(1) Make sure your friends delete the overrides I gave you. They may not use these.
(2) Delete your overrides for page transitions, or delete the overrides that I gave you. You may not combine the two. If you choose to delete the overrides for page transitions and keep the overrides I gave you, then you must restore the credit to me, layoutsforcodes, in your userinfo.
Second, why would you have someone else make an identical layout for you? It wasn't because you were dissatisfied with the job I did; you complimented me for it enough.
Third, I have absolute proof that you are still using the codes I provided for you. Every override is put together uniquely, and when I make a layout, I add a tag to prove I did it. The tag I added is still visible on your layout. Nobody else would have added this tag. This is incontrovertible proof.
How do you think dreamland_xo and bl0nde_beauty obtained the same code, if they aren't the ones who stole it? I know it's my version, because the same tag is visible on their layouts, too.
I don't know anything about _shinningstar. She did delete her journal. She may even have taken my overrides before she did. But she's not the only one who took these codes. She's just the only one who isn't still using them.
I make these layouts for free. I made this layout for you for free. When I volunteered to make you this layout for free, I asked you to abide by rules that you knew about. When you began to use this layout, you agreed to abide by these rules. You are still using this layout, but you are not abiding by these rules.
This is your last chance to comply with my two requests:
(1) Make sure your friends delete the overrides I gave you. They may not use these.
(2) Delete your overrides for page transitions, or delete the overrides that I gave you. You may not combine the two. If you choose to delete the overrides for page transitions and keep the overrides I gave you, then you must restore the credit to me, layoutsforcodes, in your userinfo.
I have already asked twice. This is the third and final time I will ask before I bring this serious problem of copyright theft to LJ Abuse.
You did not get the code yourself, and you did not have anyone else make it for you. As I explained before, I include a secret tag in all of my layouts. This is not a tag that anyone else would duplicate. Your current layout has this tag, so I know that it's the layout I made. I don't know who gave it to you, but I know who it ultimately came from -- me.
I am not letting this go, because this is theft -- copyright theft. You, and everyone else with my layout, have stolen the layout I made. I put a lot of work into a favor for somebody I didn't know at all, and I get repaid by having it used without permission or credit. That's not something I'm going to let go. I can promise you that.
It is a big deal. As I previously stated, it is copyright theft. This is a serious violation of the law and of LJ's ToS.
I gave it to her so that she could use it if she followed specific rules I had outlined and she had agreed to. She has violated many of these rules.
You say, "you gave it to her. and she could give it to anyone". This is incorrect; I did not give her permission to give it to anyone else. There is a very large difference.
Like I said, I didn't know her. However, she asked me for a favor, and I gave her everything she asked for -- including my time and work, even though I didn't know her. I don't know anyone I do layouts for, and nobody else has seen the need to flout my rules. I've done this for months, and she's the only one.
My judgment is not your problem, that's true. Your theft is your problem. And whatever LJ Abuse chooses to say or do to you will also be your problem.
I'm only talking to you because you approached me. If you hadn't replied to one of my comments, I would not have contacted you, just like I have not contacted the other six people who were given the codes.
However, when you claimed that I did not make the codes, that was doing something wrong. It was a lie to try to get yourself out of trouble -- and yes, I can prove it was a lie by showing LJ Abuse the hidden tag I included.
Also, now that you know that the layout wasn't wish_on_starzz's to give away, you're doing something wrong by continuing to use it. If you know you have stolen goods, you're not supposed to keep them. Now that you know you're using stolen goods, you can't keep using them.
heywoodjablome also has the layout I made, and credits you with giving it to her. In your comment to her post, you did not deny this.
jenny_jl0 also has the layout I made, and bl0nde_beauty admits to having passed it on to her.
bl0nde_beauty also offered (twice) to pass the code onto simplyshann, who is also now using the layout I made.
_shinningstar may have deleted her journal, but her new journal, xo0_kristina, also has a layout based on the one I made.
babii_gina also has the layout I made. She credits someone named "Heather" with giving it to her.
All of these people, plus the ones I previously mentioned, plus anyone else using my layout or a layout based on mine, need to remove the layout I made. They do not have permission to use it, and nobody has or had permission to pass it on.
The rest of my previous comment is still accurate.
why do u have it on ur webpage in ur LJ
it is not there fault its jus an LJ
i dont understand why ur so aggravated about
all of this .. maybe im lost about most of this
but i dont get why ur blaming this stuff on her ..
she did credit u for the code that u gave her ..
and i credit heather on this because she
helped me with the code not you .. if u would
have i woulda credited you on this ..
It's not a matter of "just" an LJ layout. It is copyright theft, which is taken very seriously.
I'm upset because I do take copyright theft very seriously. I put in a lot of work to do a favor for wish_on_starzz, even though she was a complete stranger. As a result of this favor, she's using my layout, she's not crediting me, and somehow half of her friends are using it without permission or credit as well. Can't you see why this is kind of upsetting to me?
I'm only blaming this on her because she's the only person who had the layout. I know I didn't give it away. The only person who's responsible for its theft is her.
She is not crediting me for the layout I made her. If you think she is, then where is the credit?
If you're using a layout I made, then you need to credit me because I made the layout, no matter who helped you install it. That would be if you had my permission to use it, which you do not. In the absence of this permission, you can't use it at all.
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