Jun 28, 2005 07:28
hey ya'll there really isnt anything to update on cept for the phone call a guy gave me, his name is emerson, he is sweet, i think im over dave... in the since he is over me... o yea at mel's house starting from the begining...
so i get into her car we go to her neighbor's house and go swimming, and i hate bugs, so before i got in i had mel clean out as many bugs as possible, then we played games and liek did races, then me and mel got out ate our lunch and tanned, and before we got back in, so we didnt damage our hair, we have to spray it down first, there was no water left in the spayer, so her mom had to peee wicked bad, and so we had to fil up the spayer, and he rmom is running to get us the water out of the hose, and almost pees her pants, then runs into the woods,lmao, then me and mel sprayed our hair went swimming played games, got out ate chips, and tanned, then we had to go home, but before we went to her house i had to get changed, into somehting not wet, so i run into the house strip bascially, and ge tinto drie clothes, then i run out and we get to mel's house she gets dressed and me and mel go on a bike ride, so we go down thne we are on our wayy back up and the hil is huge, and we try and try and thne i gave up, and all the sudden phil and idk who else, drives by and we are liek holyshyt that was phil, and im liek PHIL!!!!!! he didnt hear me, then we go to the house, and watch t.v. and eat pizaa, then lauren's mom came to pick her up, and then we go for a bike ride to lauren's house but her mom walked, and so we get there go inside and mel is like, IF I PLANTED A CHERRY SEED COULD IT GROW INTO A TREE? and im liek prolly not here, then she is like DO SHERRIES STAIN? and im like duh! then we got home ate icecream watch the notebook, mel thought it was horrible, all throught the movie she said, this is soooo boring... but me and nicki liked it so yea, then me and mel went and did pilates, lmao, i didnt do them... i watched mel thoguh, then he rmom came in and said that it was time for my leaving, and mel is liek, im ont going brianne, and im liek okay, thanks for having me over, then i left, and then nicki came with us, and wen i got home it was 930 i heard somehting in the woods so i ran liek hell up the stairs into my house, and i walk in and my mom is wat was that all about? and im like wat? and she says didnt u just get in, and im liek no... and she is liek thne who did, so then i ran liek hel tot he living room ((that was where she was)) and i get down there and it was my dad the first time the door opened, and im leik okay, and i go to check my messages on ym away msg, and one says from emerson, i miss u, and im liek ooooooooooo... it was so sweet, dave never said anything liek that to me... emerson has a cute voice, his voice is like he has chubby cheeks, but he doesnt, and has a maine accent...
whats a tag?