Sep 11, 2003 23:38
well,well JESI you are wrong once again WAS NOT ME
POSTING ANYTHING ABOUT YOU except right here in my own
private journal .... this journal, that you tune into
to see what is to be said next .... this diary of a
madman who screams at a liar.... ...hmm me loser ?
well i said i was going to college and i went ..and i
finished, AND i do what my degree is in ......which is
my happiness...... and my profession... and i FINISHED
at the age of 22 ......
some people make promises / vows that they just can never keep....
I don't do drugs
I don't sell drugs
I have no kids that I DONT TAKE care of
I have no kids that I CANT TAKE care of
I haven't offed any fetuses or embryos, nor have I lied
about it( just incase you had the thought)
I don't waste my money or my health on cigarettes
I pay my rent every month in its entirety (on time)
I show up for work and I do my job
I have payed back 2 students loans
I have paid off 2 vehicles
and I know I can get really rude here, but i'll spare
you the embarrassment before you go calling
someone a LOSER maybe you had better examine your life
in its entirety, and some of those who are in it a
little closer before you pass judgement and call me
any such thing.... LOSER ..learn what the word
Pedophiles like children.....hmm..... since when is 18
years old, 19 years old , 20 years old a child ?? I
thought 18 years old was considered young adult - non-
minor ...non-child age ?? maybe i am wrong here ....or
maybe you are just a fucking illiterate ...who fails to
understand the meaning of YET ANOTHER WORD IN THE
ENGLISH LANGUAGE...."Pedophile" learn what the word means ..before you use it..
.....and besides I can pretty much DATE who I want, befriend who I want, and have sex with who I want(little sisters over 18).... because I am not married , engaged, etc.... to anyone and especially not to anyone i started dating less than 3 months ago. thanks for all the entertainment you have provided ....i guess my "friend" Payton who is 32 ..doesnt make onto your little sisters list ( the one you are keeping, how many names so far ? )...well, then again, maybe she does ..if i ask her to dress that way ...
and mommy does says its bed time for you ...but if you stay up to late and are too fucked up to go in ..just leave a note !!! but wait a minute...hey arent you...___________?? omg that is fucked up !!!
thank GOD you are moving ...on the September 21 ?? thank you JESUS all my prayers have been answered..thank you thank you thank you ...THANK YOU
And on the 21st something was better about the State of Georgia ..the clouds part, a ray of sunshine, birds chirping once again ..thank you oh thank you ..the liar has gone closer to her "home"........and here's the number incase you get lost (415) 454-1460 just ask for Jeanne Woodford...
*toodles* *muah* *melts* *swoons* *ponders* ahhhh you'll fit right in....