Need Help

Jul 26, 2023 10:26

Hi,I'm sorry to ask again, but I need financial help. I need $2,000 for rent, back rent, and medical bills. If I can catch up on back rent I might be able to keep my head above water. I need help so I can pay on August 1st, next Tuesday.

PLEASE consider helping. Any amount, $100, $500, $1000 dollars, anything at all would save a fellow fan's life. I've been suffering from severe depression and anxiety lately; the docs are trying to get my meds right. All this stress might trigger my other physical problems (cancer) so I'm trying to relieve some financial stress. I've worked hard all my life and COVID destroyed me. Please, please consider helping.

Please contact me at for my address with A Helping Hand in the subject line so I don't acidentally delete your message as spam. I'm too muzzy-headed to deal with settig up a Paypal account right now so I have to gp old school (checks). Sorry. :( If you send me an email and don't hear from me, try again or let me know in this post. Could be accidentally deleted as spam or some other glitch. I WILL respond! Please signal boost!

Please and thank you.
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