Please help Rana save her house...

Jan 18, 2015 20:59

A very talented fan artist, chibitoaster, is on the verge of losing her and her families home. She's been living in her mom's home, and making the mortgage payments, the last few years. All her problems started because the house wasn't specifically left to anyone in her mom's will when she passed away. There had been an updated will but it was never filed.

She's quickly running out of time and is working as hard as she can to keep her home. I know that she's been doing all kinds of art on commission. She explains all about it on her GoFundMe page. Please, go take a look, give a little help if you can. Most importantly of all, please, please, spread the word about this. The more we can get this seen, the better chance we have of finding her some help.

You can find more information about it here:

She's set up a direct PayPal Donation page here:

Also, there's a fundraiser page set up for her at:

And, last but not least, here's the link to her GoFundMe page:

Thanks so much, guys!

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