The chilly weather brings thoughts of warm blankets

Nov 23, 2012 17:18

Like many others, this was not a perfect year. I lost my job back in August, and had to get rid of much of my collections. But with luck, I'll have employment soon, and I'm working on getting into college on a veteran's program.

I am glad to once again be able to send out packets of joy.

But this is the point where I make my own wishes known.

1. A new job. I have a dozen year's experience in customer service, and an excellent phone voice.

2. For all soldiers to come home safe and sound from the wars. My most worried-about soldier made it back, but there's still so many out there.

3. Mix CDs! I am good with regular or MP3 CDs. If you're not in the US, or you happen to know a good local band, I'd like at least one track to be from a homegrown musician. If you want to know more about my tastes, or have a theme suggested, ask in the comments.

4. LJ/DW icons--take a look at my interests and build something from there.

5. Podfic or Fanart of my fanfics!

6. Something off my Amazon wishlist: (Gently used is a-ok.)

7. If you are already on LinkedIn, I could use more contacts. (Be sure to mention LJ.

8. Non-US candy. Yum!

9. Fanfics for pulp characters or Golden Age superheroes. Gen by preference; romance is okay if it isn't the main plot of the story.

10. Goodreads friends: Check my booklist so far here:

Scott K. Jamison
PO Box 3674
Minneapolis MN 55403

Or PM me.

Happy Holidays!
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