My Wish List

Nov 21, 2012 21:09

I don't think I've done an exchange like this before, so I'm excited to see what happens!

1) Homemade Holiday cookies - half of my family is allergic to gluten so it's not worth making cookies they can't eat...but I LOVE Christmas cookies! Just a few for myself would be such a sweet treat!

2) Leggos (hand-me-downs are totally fine!) - I've got a lot of boys in my class this year who love to build, but nothing for them to build with. I'd love to have a random bucket of Leggos to let them dive into.

3) Feedback - If you're a Supernatural fan, I'd love for you to read The Gift and leave a comment. It's a fic I really love that never got much of a response from readers.

4) Art - I'd love a sketch for a fic of your choice here's the master list. Surprise me!

5) Christmas/New Year's card - I love getting notes in the mail!

If you need an address just drop me a PM and let me know you're from the wish_list comm.
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