Here are some more boring and melancholic thoughts

Oct 02, 2011 12:01

You know, I believe in people being friends despite difference of opinions. I really do. I mean, if you agreed on everything, it would just be boring. It's good to have variation in your life, and to be open-minded. Disliking someone solely based on their opinions and not their actions or personality is not something that I like to think I do, at least not seriously. But sometimes I think that there's a point where you just disagree about so many things that it just can't work anymore. Or maybe you don't disagree on that many things but the things you disagree about are big things. Or maybe you barely disagree at all, but this person's dislike is aggressive and they are quick to disregard the things you say or the things you like. It just feels like they might be judging you because of your opinions.

Later on, they'll go to another one of your friends and talk about it behind your back. And I know this is true because I've witnessed it happening and I've not had the courage to stop it, though it sets my teeth on edge. To think that people I trust with my opinions and feelings would do that to me just makes me really sad I guess. I don't want to be the topic of discussion between two people walking down the street or in an AIM chat window at 11:00 at night. "Oh yeah, did you know Jenna likes 'insert-generic-thing-here'?" "/snicker Really? Wow." And I know this probably doesn't happen often, but it happens more often than it should. I'm not saying the world revolves around me either, just that this happens too often with anyone for me to be okay with it. And you know, I don't think the people doing it are trying to be mean or malicious or hurtful. They just have opinions that they feel strongly about. Sometimes though, I just really really wish they weren't so aggressive about it. Of course people are entitled to their own opinion, judge-free(I am speaking in general here, because if someone told me they liked child pornography I would probably judge them. That's hypocritical but w/e). But this goes both ways. I will respect your opinion, but I also expect you to respect mine.

If I like peanut butter, I don't want to be around someone that's saying things like "Peanut butter is so stupid, Why would you like peanut butter? It's dumb! PEANUT BUTTER DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE" and then they won't hear a word you say. When things are like this, I especially think that sharing my opinion would be a bad idea because then I know I would get A) criticized for it and b) talked about later. And again, I stress the fact that this happens to almost everyone not just me. And I hate sitting here listening to friends say not nice things about people friends that I happen to like. I guess I just love all my friends and to see them turning on each other and judging each other based on opinions makes me feel bad, especially if I have to listen, because then I can't say anything about it without offending or disturbing them. The fact that people I trust probably do that to me too makes me feel worse. Am I being hypocritical? Most likely. Am I making any sense whatsoever? haha I doubt it. Am I being too picky? Probably. Am I being oversensitive? Probably. But this was the way I was raised. To believe what people think matters. Because it does. The people that you care about, that you idolize, that you are friends with-these people's thoughts about you matter. Maybe caring so much makes me weak, maybe I think about this too much, idk. It sucks that the people this is about probably won't ever see this. :(

Basically I've come to realize, who cares about the people you hate? It's the people that you like that make all the difference, because they are the ones that matter, and they are the ones that have the most power to hurt you.

important things, thoughts, life

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