Nov 12, 2006 13:24
Since Adam won't let me respond to this comment in his entry (understandable but still lol) i will respond to Missy in here::
Missy's comment:
Yes, the government does decide the laws on alcohol and drugs, but what I was trying to say is that if you happen to use/abuse those products, that doesn't necessarily mean you will lean one way or another politically. And actually, yes, homosexuals are not allowed to marry, but they are allowed to form civil unions in certain states. That issue was up for vote in Ohio and was turned down bc it was dubbed "the gay marriage law", but what people didn't seem to realize was that it was talking about the rights of ALL non-traditional groupings, ie even a male and female who are living together but not married. I'm not saying that Democrats are all right and Republicans are all wrong, but I don't like the way that our Republican run country has ended up in the past few years, and I think it's time for a change, whether that be by Democrats, or other Republicans, because I'm worried about the future of our country. I'm not saying we should pull out of Iraq immediately, and I don't think Kery was either, because yes, that will cause mass chaos. But I feel that seeing as we are spending billions and billions of dollars on this war and losing thousands and thousands of troops with no end in sight and no progress being made that SOMETING needs to be done- there needs to be some of plan, some kind of deadline, because it can't go on forever, and I really don't think Bush has one. The Democats aren't the only ones protesting at soldiers funerals- what about the Republicans protesting at homosexual soldiers funerals? At least the Democrats are protesting the war and its not a personal attack on the troops or the specific person. As for why Republicans have won the last several elections- maybe sometimes they were the best person for the job. I don't always vote Democrat, I vote for the person who I feel will do the best job. But you also can't deny that the Republican party has more power and they have far more money for advertising, which can get you a long, long way, especially with a very gullible American public who will believe every mud slinging ad they see on tv. Sure any group has holes in it, I'm sure the Democrats do, but you can't deny that the Republicans do too. For the big corporations, yes, we need big corporations, but you can't consistently side with them and turn your back on the little guy. When you start outsourcing jobs, and siding with those big corporations, shutting down the smaller ones that are keeping most of middle class America stable and employed, that's a problem. And as for the environment, obviously one person, one group, even one nation can't do everything. But clearly with global warming getting worse and our natural resources being depleted, I would say we have to do SOMETHING. It just seems like the Democrats are more vocal about this (Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth) but I'm sure there are Republicans that are passionate about it too- they need to speak up. Someone does. And something needs to be done.
My Response:
Actually, I believe Kerry did say something along the lines of "i want to get us out of Iraq" sooo I would take that as he wanted to get out of Iraq ASAP. Progress? Well, I don't necessarily think war=progress ANYWAY! As for a deadline, I thought everyone understood that the war would be over when Iraq was safe for the people who are left and when the US is safe from said people?! We can't just say "okay, lets leave Iraq on January 15th at 6:30PM (their time, of course)." We can't say that because we don't know when we will be safe from the insurgents. I mean, seriously, why would we just up and leave before they are all gone/neutralized? This is not "our fault" (US) because in reality, we are living in the aftermath of empires. When the Brits, French, etc. owned all these NOW 3rd world countries, they were suddenly told they couldnt anymore and they up and left. They left disaster and the people were ANGRY and still are-hence te insurgents/terrorists. We can't do anything about it and honestly, if we hadn't started the war on terrorism, we would have just been sitting back and letting anything happen to our country. As far as Republicans protesting at homosexuall soldiers' funerals-- if you can give me an example (i.e. a news article) of that then I'll believe you, but I've not heard of that. Especially considering the don't ask-don't tell policy of the U.S. Military. Furthermore-- Republicans having more money for advertising?! oh my gosh.. did we already forget who funded John Kerry's? HIS WIFE- you know, Heinz ketchup lady? John Kerry had more than enough-if not more- to fund his advertising! Money is definately not an issue for democrats OR republicans. they get people to fund them- BOTH SIDES. so really, that doesn't make too much sense as an arguement because they both have access to millions of dollars of advertising, but in reality... they shouldn't. There should definately be a law against slanderous ads, which, although there IS a law against slander.. these people can bash eachother on public television. its really all quite immature. I never DID deny that the republicans have holes in their party. though, in your previous comment, you did kind of deny the democrats did which was my point previously. outsourcing? well there's really nothing we can do about it. someone's voting for it. and it's not me. the environment? theres nothing the GOVERNMENT can really do about it. if the government tells people to stop smoking because it's bad for the environment, how many people are going to listen? if the govenment tells people to stop using so much gas and walk places/use public transportation, how many are going to listen? hardly any. lets be honest. are you going to walk to work/ride on a bus every morning? if you say yes, i think you are lying to yourself because i know that i didn't buy MY car to sit in the driveway and collect dust.
*steps off podium*
*pheeww... this is why i shouldn't go on lj when I'm ill! <3