Apr 15, 2004 20:06
I hate the feeling when I have done something wrong but I dont know what that is. I will know tomm hopefully and it will all be ok....I hope.
When things get hard, I tend to run away from everything. I know this is probably a bad thing but I dont know how to deal with it. It is so much easier to turn my back. I just wish i could change and be the bigger person.
Today kind of sucked. Today was the day that I realized a lot of stuff about myself. Some good and some bad. I say "idk" and "I" a lot. It seems like when I dont want to deal with a certain situation i say "idk". I feel like I take a lot of things for granted. I hate feeling this way so I am going to try and change. I am also going to try and be happy. I might look happy on the inside but I want to be truely happy.