Jan 21, 2004 19:59
school is fucking rediculous!! i have to make up this quiz for us history and i cant take it in class bc i have to come in on my own time which i dont have... my pre calc teacher says that i have to take the stupid benchmark taks test on my own time, so i have to find 2 hours of my time to take it. i cant take it in the morning bc of texanns at 730 and i cant do it after school bc i have soccer practice. so i have to do it during one of my classes and idk what to do. and to top it all off i failed a physics test today...
on friday i have go right after school to leander high school to perform my solo which i havent finished and then on saturday i have to go back to leander to perform my officer routines(which dont look too great right now) in the morning:x
yesterday i had to perform team high kick at the bball game and it looked pretty good:) but i had to miss my soccer game to perform:X my sister almost died...she got hit in the throat and couldnt breathe for 30 seconds, chipped her tooth, and cant really eat solid food....
i dont want to care about him but i cant help it...he called me last night and we talked for a while, he says things that make me happy but idk if it is real or not...well we are suppose to hang out this weekend so i will see what happens..