May 05, 2008 13:19
Dear Alejia HIAL!
I just looked at our old photos from photobucket and wow what a blast from the past. I miss you and Sonnie so goshdarn much! We were a trio of hotness to be reckoned with! I don't know when I'll be getting down to Florida because of my job. It may be a while so you might want to think about heading up this way soon. Although it's very possible I'll be taking a road trip down there sometime this summer but if so I probably won't stay for too long. Life is swell. Everything is quite pleasant. Shan and I are having a blast and rambunctiously tearing up the town like usual. I'm dating this reallllyyyy cute boi. I'll tell you more about her at a more secure local. As for me, well I'm getting in touch with my boy side. I'm such a twink it's not even funny. I wish I could explain better what's going on but all I can really say is I feel like a dude. That's not to say that I don't like being a girl, cause I love my va-jay-jay, but I am not just that. I'm still good ol' me though so no matter what happens I'll continue to be your bestest bud ever!
Other than all that I just got a second job working with an autistic guy. I don't start for another month or so but I'm super excited. I think it's an awesome opportunity and it will give me the extra cash I need to pay for our new place in the fall. I'm going to be living with Shan and our best friend Alyssa and also my frieds Jesse and James. It should be fantastic. We're going to get a puppy and everything! How are you? I can only imagine the fun you are having down there. I often dream of coming back but I know that Boston is for me. I couldn't leave all the frieds I have here and I know how lame Florida gets when you're there for more than 2 weeks.
Heneway you should stop in and say hi to my mom sometime. I'm sure she misses you and my neices too. They keep asking for me! Cute little cherubs. Umm I love you! Did you like my letter? You should write me back!!! Oh and ps I just joined the community birls on livejournal. You should, too, so you can see what I'm thinking about lately as far as my gender stuff. Plus there's MAD cuties on there.