And i got the clearance.....

Oct 02, 2004 06:07

So im off to florida, for what i would like to call basic training, cause it is going to be hell on earth...50 to 60 hours a week of intense work, but a time to leave my world and look at everything from a different world, a world with no interruptions whatsoever, clarity ive been seeking, i stand to come back with between 4 and 5 thousand dollars, somewhere in between there....i could realistically come back and start the label, but i'll probably take another one of these jobs next year to ensure i have enough for everything, once i have enough financially to invest, then the rest is just history, money is all i need to make money, and lots of it....but its not about money, its about alot more than that, its about promises and futures.

Oh heavenly hell what i went through in montgomery, passing out on the roof, whatever happened, is nothing compared to what is about to take place in Florida, the work will be so much more intense because a good impression down there, opens up millions of dollars for my father, but i am strong in my belief that i can handle it, after the accident at work, i began training my body and rehabing it sorta to deal with the heat, along with working out, i just have to get ready for the soreness again and alot of weightloss which IS NOT BAD....ima try to get down to 175, i know i can probably do it too....

and i'll finally have no distractions, so i can finally get this mixtape done, 25 tracks and subjects and concepts have been decided and it is going to be extremely nice, i cant wait to finish up down there and drive back listening to my mixtape, that will be very nice, work from 7 in the morn. till about 5 or 6 at night and go to wherever im staying and write and record until about 11 then do it all again, its repetetive but i love music and i love money, even though its doing the hardest thing in the world, but maybe my dads will give me a raise down there and i'll make even more, that would be sweet...

I told my moms something i read about the end of the world and she told me she grew up hearing that left and right and she was scared all the time and then she said christ will return when he is supposed to, he aint gonna let nobody know, and to live my life and dont listen to that shit, lol, i love my moms

few deep tracks from my mixtape are:

"Never be the way it was" things in the past, along with a few of my post 9/11 political views on....well i'll let people hear that, if im not arrested for it

"December 9th" the day my grandfather was buried and the day i promised to make his name great, because i was given it, the day he was buried was the day my artist was born, sounds cheesy but if you know me its deep

"Honey" its DAWG Pt.2 pretty much, but going at a few more people, of course Shannon will have a nice role in this one

"Ambitionz as a Ridah" In the footsteps of Tupac, I have to come hard on this song

"For You" For my baby, Erin, going to be the hottest song in the history of anything

few more cant remember off the top, id have to open my notebook up and i dont want to particularly do that at this moment.

well i saw erin last night and we had a much need argument/talk, that really opened up alot of things between us, invoving the past between us, mainly this summer and the future between us, it was inexplicable, it was what needed to be said and heard before i left, my feelings are out of my control for the first time in my entire life, people have always asked me can you see yourself with this person for the rest of your life, and i cant even think to hesitate on that question when it comes to erin, its an automatic yes, theres nothing to think about, i want to take this path of starting the label because with money there is security, not for me, but for erin if she in the end really wants to be with me for something long, i want her, i have never wanted anyone else for the rest of my life, i am slowly becoming unable to imagine myself in future scenarios without her, the other day i saw a movie, and someone died in it and i put erin in that place for a second and i cried like it really happened, that pain was so intense, i imagine all sorts of things between us in the future, and i know thats probably not good at this point, but it feels me with so much happiness to have so much road is tough ahead, very, but i need to work my ass off to get what i need to get what i want, and that ultimately is a comfortable life, that maybe she wouldnt be opposed to...

My entire family, with the exception of my immediate family, has done nothing with there lives, something i call the curse of Houston, i will not be a part of that, im already miles ahead of all my family in Houston, I havent been arrested and i dont have kids, im probably gonna have to drop 1 or 2 classes, i dont know yet, i have to see just exactly how insane the workload is gonna be when i get down there in person...

She's gonna miss me though, alot, she told me, and that fuels me even more.....

So this is my last entry for about two months maybe, oh well, off to a healthy schedule of 10 hours a day of work, 3 hours of recording and whatever time she gives me to talk to her at night and the rest is sleep, fun


THR3AT Records....cant wait!!!
The Releases that will be on it..


cannot wait to get all these jumping off, need that start up money, these things are gonna be in high demand, once they hit radio, i would go out on a limb to say at least 50,000 sales in 4 or 5 months, then just tour for a little while then its all history, but i dont wanna count my chickens before they hatch, its all in gods hands

I LoVE YOU EriN iF your reading this Book i just wrote, lol

Pz out peeples, 1
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