[Oogway can be found on Deck Fifteen, among a plethora of candles he's procured from various places and rooms. He's wedged them into cervices and sealed them in their own wax to rough stone walls. It's quiet there, and cool among the damn dimness and the diffuse glow of dozens of candles
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Here, have a giant rat.]
Master Oogway, I presume?
[A turtle? How coincidental.]
Why, yes! And you are Master Splinter. How good to finally see you as you are.
[Splinter kneels before the tea set and places the walking stick within Oogway's easy reach.]
My thanks once again for the loan of your staff. I do not rely so heavily upon my own, but without my tail...
[Maintenance finished, the tortoise pours, and offers Splinter his choice of the two steaming cups]
I had met your student, Leonardo, earlier. [And poked fun at him] He has great enthusiasm.
Leonardo is most dedicated. It is good to hear you have had the opportunity to meet my eldest son.
[Whiskers twitch as he sips the tea.]
Most excellent.
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