Jan 19, 2006 19:03
So, Saturday was Cheyenne the Social Butterfly - with Bowling, Tiff Party, Evan, 'Stina and then Paige-Party. Paige Party included an amusing incedent of a cone's relocation to the back of someone's car. Hah. And me falling off the couch in the middle of the morning and not sleeping until 5:00.
An amusing ride to the airport later and Paige is back on her way to DC. I cry. Alot.
This week has been...well...whatever I guess.
-Monday was bitch bitch bitch bitch with mom day.
-Tuesday was akward, but I think I did well on my Govt. test, met some cool people.
-Wednesday was working, meeting fun theatre kids, learning new games, free pizza and amy's
-Today was cool workshops, wearing a corset and seeing Alex/Vinny/Alyssa/Etc. at the Steven's house. Whee.
-Tonight is the play "Lesbian Vampires of Sodom", so that should be enjoyable.
Having Sarah with me has provided much amusement, many laughs and a good time all around. We watch silly videos online and I like it.
Life in general. well. pah.
If anyone else gives me the scholarship talk? I'll kill them. Emotions are dumb.